Tuesday, April 7, 2009
tech task #12 Elements of Good Movie
Final Project: How To Video
Before this project I had never used oil paints before, so this was a new challenge for me both mechanically and technically. I am a visual arts major in the arts ed. program so I thought this video would be a good way to bring technology into an art class, since it can be challenging to find useful ways to incorporate technology into this subject area. Perhaps I can make use of this during my internship or in my future classroom, by showing the video to students and having them create their own.
To begin the process of creating this video I first had to gather the materials: a canvas, paints, paint thinner, brushes, palette, and pencils. The next step was to find an image, I found a great photograph of some lilies in black and white. As I worked on my painting I stopped after every step to take pictures of the process in order to document step-by-step. Once I finished the painting I chose the best pictures and put them into Windows Movie Maker. Next I added text over some of the images to clearly display the step or process. Lastly I recorded my own instructions on a program called Sound Recorder, using my built-in microphone on my laptop. For some reason I had trouble with the voice recordings saving in order and has to re-record some parts as a result. Otherwise my video went quite smoothly, which was surprising considering this was only my second time using Movie Maker. Once I finished my video I uploaded it to youtube:
Monday, April 6, 2009
tech task #3
tech task #18 Future Classroom

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tech Task #14: 2 podcasts I found interesting
1. Educational
For my educational podcast I found one by The Whole Child ASCD (the association for supervision and curriculum development) on the topic of How Urban Schools Work Beyond the Boundaries of Social and Economical Conditions. The podcast consisted of three guest interviews. (This can be found on their website: www.wholechildeducation.org/podcasts )
The first was Dr. Pedro Negara who shared his personal opinion on the subject and made some very good points. He talked about the ways schools are strongly influenced by social and economical conditions that exist in the urban environment. He went on to point out how inequality has a major effect in schools as well as a definite impact on students. Children with unmet personal needs such as healthcare and food have a clear disadvantage in the classroom. It is unfair to ignore the seriousness of these issues; therefore schools are beginning to take action. The schools are now providing healthcare amenities such as doctors, dentists and optometrists for disadvantaged students. Some schools are also creating scholarships specifically for low income students. I think inequality in the classroom is a major issue that seems to have been ignored in the past, so it is crucial for action to take place. It’s great to see that schools are becoming more and more involved in improving this concern.
The second guest was CEO of the National Urban Alliance, Yvette Jackson, who spoke about her belief that a pedagogy of confidence is key to unlocking ultimate potential in students. Yvette states that all students are capable of high intellectual development given the right inspiration and support. She believes that confidence in students is key to reach their full potential and ensure a successful future. This process begins with the teachers as they need confidence in their teaching in order to help their students achieve. With teachers and students working together and forming their own support system within the classroom academic success can become a reality for all students. I believe this concept is necessary within the classroom and I realize the importance of teachers needing to teach with confidence.
The last guest was Tatiana Epanchin, principal of Monarch Elementary Charter School in Oakland California, and director at the Parent Teacher Association. She enacted supportive programs for students and teachers in order to improve the school. Her action proved itself as Monarch Elementary won most improved school that year. She realized that the teachers lacked inspiration and parents lacked in participation, resulting in underachieving students. Tatiana worked on improving communication by having team and data meetings as well as involving the students by having classroom meetings every morning where they are free to express their thoughts and feeling in a safe environment. In my opinion the classroom needs to be a place with zero tolerance for harassment where students can feel safe to discuss anything, whether with the teacher or with the entire class. The learning environment is one of the most important elements in teaching. Without a safe and respectful classroom, students will withdrawal from reaching their full academic potential.
2. Personal Interest
For my personal pick of podcasts I chose a TED Talk video podcast on photography called Photography Connects us with the World by David Griffin, who is director of National Geographic (2008). I chose this podcast because I love photographs; I think they are absolutely beautiful and I would someday like to actually learn photography. Griffin begins by talking about “flash bulb” memory. This is when all the elements come together during a significant event to define not only the event but one’s emotional connection to it. This is what a photograph taps into when it affects a viewer. Griffin goes on to explain that anyone can capture a moment: “Everyone has at least one or two great photographs in them.” He also points out how a single photograph can tell a story, or a Visual Narrative. Griffin then went on to talk about the impact and importance of photo journalism and gave examples displaying how photography can be used to address some of the most important topics in life. From capturing serious subjects such as life’s issues and hardships to documenting a fun sea lion experience through a series of shots; the famous saying “a picture tells a thousand words” holds extreme truth.
Photography still fascinates me, I think because there are endless possibilities and no limits to subject. Every moment captured is unique and you can be sure that no matter what the subject is – someone can relate to it, which I think is what makes photographs a universal language on their own. A photo doesn’t need to be translated to be understood between cultures, which is what makes it such a magnificent piece of art.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Just a Picture
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
tech task #9 Mastercard Priceless Commercial
Better late than never? Amazing .. I finally figured out how to use movie maker! At first it was tricky but after trying out all the editing tools it all came together and actually turned out better than I thought :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
tech task #10 Sell Yourself in Four Images
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
tech task #7 K12 Online Conference
I watched the video “Parent Engagement in the 21st Century” by Lorna Costantini and Matt Montagne on the K12 online conference. Here is the link: http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=340 . The video was generally reaching out to parent s of today’s online learner’s, as in this generation “children are growing up online.” There are many key points made throughout the video that depict how crucial it is for parents to become involved with online activities, rather than ignoring the fact that they have no idea what their children are actually doing on the internet. The video suggests that web- illiterate parents begin their involvement by creating an email, facebook, or twitter account as somewhat of an introduction to the internet. By doing this they will have the basic understanding of what they’re kids are doing when they’re online. One major concern for parents is children getting into trouble online, however one parent pointed out that “kids who engage in risky behavior online, do it offline first.” I agree with this statement because I think as with anything there are pros and cons, the web clearly has it’s negatives but used in positive and educational way I believe the benefits strongly outweigh the negatives.
As a future teacher I know the web is an essential classroom tool and I believe parents need to understand that there are so many learning opportunities with the web and that they shouldn’t be afraid of it. In my future classrooms I plan to use email as key source of communication to parents about how their children are doing and keep them up to date with what is going on in the class. Many parents believe the internet is simply a world of danger where potential predators lurk in chat rooms waiting for their children to come online. And yes there are such places on the web; however the same risks that come with the internet exist in real life as well. In my opinion parents need to learn how to use the internet in order to understand and accept what their children are using it for, such as email, instant messenger, facebook, and more. As kids grow older the internet is not only a place of leisure but a place of education as many classes whether in high school or university are only offered online. In the years to come there are endless possibilities the internet holds for us educators to explore within our classrooms.